What is a Warrior Woman?

What is a Warrior Woman?

A “Warrior Woman” is the REAL you. Now, I’m not suggesting that you run around being fake. However, we are all affected by our perception of what is around us. Things we run into weekly (like the mom that seems to have the perfect children, the cover of Glamour magazine beside the check out line, or colleague’s story of business success on Facebook) sometimes causes us to feel small or just not quite good enough.
Tapping into our Warrior Woman, we remind ourselves of OUR gifts, talents (YES, you DO have them) and things that make us special. She is your personality in full glory. It is the girl that dances to the stereo blaring while the kids are at school. It is that business idea you’ve had in your head forever or the dream lifestyle you secretly want but your rational mind says you will never have.
When we are able to draw up our Warrior Woman, we INSTANTLY feel sexier, healthier, motivated and engaged. THIS is when the magic starts to happen. It is really kinda cool.
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